The full list of Ubuntu Phone updates from May are provided below.
Icons are now all monochromatic
Web Browser
Bottom edge gesture to reveal tabs view
New settings UI with Privacy settings
Improved interaction and visuals of top sites
Improved scrolling smoothness and chrome interaction
Enhancements to search suggestions from url bar
Bottom edge gesture to exit fullscreen windows
Enhancements to the insecure websites visual feedback
Properly save and restore navigation state between runs
Honour Window.close() requests
Noticeable performance improvements in the generation of tab previews
Private browsing
Search suggestions in url bar
Address Book
Import contacts from SIM
New settings panel
Improved first time user experience for contact sync/import
Messaging app
Group chat support (late landing)
Toolkit v1.3
Migrated to the 5.4 version of Qt (
Introduced 1.3 version of the Toolkit
Brand new ListItem with fancy features and high performance
Refactored UbuntuShape for better performance
New dedicated overlay shape. Made use of the new UbuntuShape architecture to create an extended shape with efficient overlay rendering
Improved alarm services
New text handler visuals and improved behaviour in text areas
Optimized Slider and ProgressBar components.
PageStack header animations for MainView 1.2
Refactored OrientationHelper
Simplify animation code and make it more robust
Scope tagging. With this, newly installed scopes will be automatically aggregated if their tags are matched by an aggregator
Today, Nearby and News scopes added support for keywords
New and improved layout for the News scope
Qt 5.4
Introducing Qt WebSockets: (requested by developers, now on vivid images)
Two new QML modules: Declarative State Machine, QML Models
OpenGL ES 3.0/3.1 support
Improved font rendering for many languages
QQuickRenderControl for efficient rendering into framebuffer objects
Lots of performance improvements and bugfixes