white paper

Cloud and server
Internet of Things
Cloud and server
Internet of Things

Battlestar solution

by Guest on 28 March 2017

This is a guest post by Peter Kirwan, technology journalist. If you would like to contribute a post, please contact [email protected] Forecasts...

Internet of Things

Three flaws at the heart of IoT security

by Thibaut Rouffineau on 20 March 2017

This blog has been syndicated from SCMagazine UK, contributed by Thibaut Rouffineau – head of devices marketing. According to the latest estimates by Gartner,...

Internet of Things

Who should bear the cost of IoT security: consumers or vendors?

by Canonical on 7 February 2017

Anyone using the internet in Europe and the US on 21st October last year experienced what economists call an externality. It arrived in the form of a massive...

Internet of Things

48% of people unaware their IoT devices pose a security threat

by Canonical on 30 January 2017

LONDON, U.K. – 30 January, 2017 – Nearly half (48%) of citizens remain unaware that their connected devices could be infiltrated and used to conduct a cyber...