
Publication date 18 March 2024

Last updated 11 September 2024

Ubuntu priority

ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented database management system. A bug exists in the cloud ClickHouse offering prior to version and in version 23.1. Query caching bypasses the role based access controls and the policies being enforced on roles. In affected versions, the query cache only respects separate users, however this is not documented and not expected behavior. People relying on ClickHouse roles can have their access control lists bypassed if they are using query caching. Attackers who have control of a role could guess queries and see data they shouldn't have access to. Version 24.1 of ClickHouse and version of ClickHouse Cloud contain a patch for this issue. Based on the documentation, role based access control should be enforced regardless if query caching is enabled or not.


Package Ubuntu Release Status
clickhouse 24.10 oracular Not in release
24.04 LTS noble
Needs evaluation
22.04 LTS jammy Not in release
20.04 LTS focal
Needs evaluation