
Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

1489 posts by Canonical

Cloud and server

Internet of Things: 2lemetry

by Canonical on 16 March 2015

Ubuntu Core allows you to easily and securely deploy an app to any number of devices. But all those devices need a place to connect to in order to transmit...

Cloud and server

Codership joins growing OpenStack Interoperability Lab community

by Canonical on 13 March 2015

Canonical is pleased to welcome Codership, creator of database clustering technology, Galera, to our OpenStack Interoperability Lab (OIL) program. Codership...

Cloud and server

NFV and SDN on OpenStack for network operators

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) are two of the hottest infrastructure technologies around, particularly for...

Cloud and server

How to face the challenges of becoming a cloud operator

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

In a shifting market, the traditional revenues of telcos and service providers are under threat. Voice revenues are at an all-time low, and high wireless data...

Cloud and server

How Ubuntu OpenStack makes the cloud work for telcos and SPs

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

Telcos and Service Providers expect near 100% uptime and the flexibility to scale their infrastructure up and down on-demand. This requires a proven cloud...

Cloud and server

Make IT rain: public cloud on Ubuntu OpenStack

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

Ubuntu OpenStack is the most trusted platform on which to build a public cloud. One of the best things about it is the ease of moving from a proof of concept...

Cloud and server

Architecting OpenStack for enterprise reality

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

With OpenStack becoming more and more popular as a cloud-building technology for enterprises, companies are asking themselves several important questions. How...

Cloud and server

Building a private cloud? Taking the leap

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

In this whitepaper, you will read about moving your Ubuntu OpenStack private cloud from the proof-of-concept stage to a production environment. It covers...

Cloud and server

A reference architecture for implementing OpenStack on VMware vSphere

by Canonical on 11 March 2015

This technical whitepaper, a collaboration between Canonical and VMware, proposes a reference architecture for running OpenStack on VMware vSphere. It draws...

Cloud and server
Cloud and server

Ubuntu Music App behind the scenes

by Canonical on 6 March 2015

Ubuntu community devs Andrew Hayzen and Victor Thompson chat with lead designer Jouni Helminen. Andrew and Victor have been working in open source projects...