
Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

1489 posts by Canonical


Landscape updates Ubuntu with hyperscale management

by Canonical on 12 September 2013

Today we’re introducing some new features into Ubuntu’s systems management and monitoring tool, Landscape. Organisations will now be able to use Landscape to...

Cloud and server

Critical workloads, private deployments and market opportunities abound in the cloud

by Canonical on 10 September 2013

In our annual Server and Cloud Survey we asked over 5,800 Ubuntu users from six continents to share their experience of using Ubuntu server and cloud, as well...

Phone and tablet

Facebook comes to Ubuntu phone

by Canonical on 10 September 2013

The Ubuntu community is developing a Facebook application for Ubuntu smartphones ready for launch later this year. It will be an Ubuntu Web App, which takes...


Wednesday App Design Clinic

by Canonical on 10 September 2013

Since Ubuntu touch was announced, its been fantastic to see the variety of apps you’ve been developing, from shopping lists to word games, to apps that aid...

Cloud and server

Join in UbuntuVoice: be the voice of millions of Ubuntu users

by Canonical on 10 September 2013

In past years, we have had many Ubuntu users getting involved in helping with our user research. Now we feel it’s time to form a user research network, which...

Cloud and server

OpenStack primer

by Canonical on 29 August 2013

This short document introduces you to OpenStack and its components, what you can change and customise, and why Ubuntu and OpenStack work so well together.

Cloud and server

Top 10 questions about MAAS

by Canonical on 29 August 2013

This FAQ summarises the most important things you need to know about MAAS (metal-as-a-service). It covers what MAAS is, how it works with other Ubuntu cloud...

Cloud and server

Top 12 questions about Juju

by Canonical on 29 August 2013

Why is Juju the most amazing service modelling tool currently available on the market, and why is it the best, easiest, and fastest way to deploy services and...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu OpenStack Jumpstart

by Canonical on 29 August 2013

On-site Canonical engineers will help you deploy a reference cloud for your department or company, based on the same technologies that power the Rackspace and...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu Certified Public Cloud Programme

by Canonical on 29 August 2013

Joining Canonical’s Certified Public Cloud Programme is the only way to ensure that your customers get the best Ubuntu experience in your public cloud. The...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu OpenStack factsheet

by Canonical on 29 August 2013

Ubuntu OpenStack offers an industry-leading, powerful toolset to enable you to build the most flexible and reliable cloud on OpenStack. What exactly makes up...

Cloud and server

Juju Charm Championship expands with more categories, more prizes

by Canonical on 27 August 2013

The Charm Championship is underway, but there’s still plenty of time to get involved. Today we’re announcing the addition of three new entry categories, each...