Joshua Powers

Public Cloud

Joshua Powers is a senior engineering on the Public Cloud team at Canonical. The team is responsible for generating the Ubuntu images used by millions of users on public and private clouds around the world. He previously ran the Ubuntu Server team where he was responsible for delivering technology behind Ubuntu Server and the overall quality of each release.

37 posts by Joshua Powers

Cloud and server

Using cloud-init with Multipass

by Joshua Powers on 2 April 2018

This article originally appeared on Joshua Powers’ blog cloud-init + Multipass Multipass is a quick and easy way to launch virtual machine instances running...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu Server development summary – 23 January 2018

by Joshua Powers on 23 January 2018

  The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like...

Cloud and server

cloud-init 17.2 Released

by Joshua Powers on 15 December 2017

As announced, cloud-init 17.2 was released this week. From the announcement, some highlights include: CLI added the clean and status subcommands Support for...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu Bionic: Netplan

by Joshua Powers on 1 December 2017

NetplanFor this week’s Bionic test blitz I am looking at Netplan! Netplan enables easily configuring networking on a system via YAML files. Netplan processes...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu Server Development Summary – 14 Nov 2017

by Joshua Powers on 14 November 2017

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to...

Cloud and server

How to find Ubuntu Server Bugs to Fix

by Joshua Powers on 12 October 2017

Ubuntu Server BugsEver wanted to help out in the development of Ubuntu Server, but did not know how? One of the best ways to get started is by working on...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu Server Development Summary – 10 Oct 2017

by Joshua Powers on 11 October 2017

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to...

Cloud and server

Server Team at the Ubuntu Rally in NYC

by Joshua Powers on 2 October 2017

The Ubuntu Rally occurred last week in New York City where the entirety of the Canonical Engineering teams as well as various members of the community spent...

Cloud and server

Mining Ethereum on Ubuntu with a GTX 1070

by Joshua Powers on 20 September 2017

EthereumEthereum has appeared more and more in the news and rightfully so. Ethereum recently set another transaction record of 400,000 transactions in a...

Cloud and server

cloud-init Summit in Seattle, Washington

by Joshua Powers on 31 August 2017

Introduction Last week the cloud-init development team from Canonical ran a two-day summit in Seattle, Washington. The purpose of the summit was to meet with...


Ubuntu Server Development Summary – 4 Aug 2017

by Joshua Powers on 4 August 2017

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to...


Ubuntu Server Development Summary – 28 Jul 2017

by Joshua Powers on 28 July 2017

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to...