Ubuntu Core


Juju status flasher on Ubuntu Snappy

by Tom Callway on 26 October 2015

Matt Williams shares a proof of concept project I’ve been working on that combines the worlds of Ubuntu Snappy and Juju. View original Google+ post

Internet of Things
Internet of Things

PiGlow API: one small snap for humanity…

by Maarten Ectors on 16 October 2015

Victor Palau created a very nice blog post around the PiGlow. With his permission we are reproducing it here. My first steps into snappifying, I have publish...

Internet of Things
Internet of Things

Crowdsourcing the #AppEnabledHome: GE, FirstBuild and Canonical

by Maarten Ectors on 22 September 2015

  IoT is changing the home. Soon you will have apps and app stores on any type of home appliance. Earlier this year, GE’s FirstBuild brought to market the...

Cloud and server
Cloud and server

The future of access networks

by Maarten Ectors on 16 September 2015

IoT, Docker, Big Data, Cloud, mobile apps, Video on Demand, etc. It seems like innovation is accelerating but without a roadmap, business plan or strategy....

Internet of Things

Pi-Cubes – App-Enabled HVAC Control

by Maarten Ectors on 9 September 2015

This is a guest post by the Cube-Controls team as part of “the startup stories”, a series of blog posts about how and why innovative companies are using...

Internet of Things

The App-Enabled Spider

by Maarten Ectors on 8 September 2015

This is a guest post by the Erle-Robotics team as part of “the startup stories”, a series of blog posts about how and why innovative companies are using...

Internet of Things

Meet Mycroft: Open Source Artificial Intelligence Powered by Snappy

by Maarten Ectors on 14 August 2015

This is a guest post by the Mycroft team as part of “the startup stories”, a series of blog posts about how and why innovative companies are using Ubuntu...

Cloud and server

Golden Ratio calculated to 2 trillion digits, on Ubuntu, in the Cloud

by Dustin Kirkland on 10 August 2015

The Golden Ratio is one of the oldest and most visible irrational numbers known to humanity.  Pi is perhaps more famous, but the Golden Ratio is found in more...

Internet of Things

The first app-enabled spider

by Maarten Ectors on 5 August 2015

If you are into robot spiders then the erle-spider is something to look forward to. It will be the first app-enabled Snappy Ubuntu Core and ROS powered robot...